On Wednesday, May 20, the City of Sandersville announced a new ‘Shop Local – Utility Bill Credit’ program that is currently underway for residents of Sandersville.
The ‘Shop Local – Utility Bill Credit’ program is intended to provide an economic incentive to promote retail businesses and restaurants within the corporate limits of the City of Sandersville. Participating businesses must be located within Sandersville and have a current City of Sandersville Occupational Tax Certificate. The retail business or restaurant must also employ no more than fifteen (15) full time employees.
The City of Sandersville will offer residential utility bill credits on a Sandersville utility bill when presented with verifiable receipts for purchases made with a qualifying business located within the City.
The City of Sandersville may reduce a customer’s residential utility bill by $15.00 for each credit earned. A maximum of three (3) credits with a total value of $45.00 can be obtained per month.
Sandersville citizens must submit a receipt that is dated from May 18, 2020 to June 30, 2020 and equal a total value of $50.00 or more to attain one (1) credit. No more than two (2) receipts may be combined to total $50.00. The receipt must contain the pre-printed name of the retail business or restaurant, the date of the purchase, and amount of the purchase.
All submittals requesting a utility bill credit under the ‘Shop Local – Utility Bill Credit’ program must adhere to the following procedures:
1.) Spend $50.00 or more at a qualifying retail business or restaurant.
2.) Write your name (as it appears on your City of Sandersville utility bill), address, phone number and utility bill account number on the receipt.
3.) Scan and email the receipt to acook@sandersvillega.org or drop off the receipt(s) in a sealed envelope at the drive through window at Sandersville City Hall, which is located at 141 West Haynes Street.
After verification, the City of Sandersville will apply a credit of $15.00 for each $50.00 receipt(s) up to a maximum credit of $45.00 on the customer’s next City of Sandersville utility bill.
For more information, individuals may visit sandersville.net or call Sandersville City Hall at 478-552-2525.