Marlene Garrard Veal has represented District 2, Post 2 on the Tennille City Council since January of 2014. She was elected on November 5, 2013.
Veal announced during the Monday, June 15 Tennille City Council meeting that she plans to resign from her Tennille City Council seat, effective July 1.
Veal explained that her husband passed away unexpectedly on April 12 of this year.
“I would like the opportunity to spend more time with my family,” said Veal when discussing her decision to resign.
Tennille Mayor Eartha Cummings remarked that she understood and respected Veal’s decision to resign from the Tennille City Council.
“She will truly be missed,” said Mayor Cummings, adding that she appreciates everything that Veal has done for the City of Tennille.
Veal commended her fellow Council members and the Mayor of Tennille for doing an “excellent job” for the City of Tennille.
A Special Election will be held to fill the unexpired terms of both Marlene Veal and Elaine Walk who have resigned from City Council in recent months.
Mayor Pro-Tem Brainard Crawford remarked that those resignations were not due to conflict. As previously reported by WACO 100, Councilperson Elaine Walk, who represented District 3, Post 1, resigned earlier this year when she moved out of the district.

Photo Courtesy of the City of Tennille