Tennille City Attorney Michael Howard administered oaths to Sidney Swan and Donna Wilcher at the Monday, January 4 Tennille City Council meeting.
Sidney Swan will serve on the City of Tennille’s Planning and Zoning Committee. Donna Wilcher will serve on the City of Tennille’s Downtown Development Authority.
Sidney Swan was recommended to serve on the Tennille Planning and Zoning Committee by Tennille Mayor Eartha Cummings during the Monday, December 21, 2020 Tennille City Council meeting. Council unanimously approved Swan’s appointment.
As previously reported by WACO 100, during the previous year, the Tennille City Council appointed members to the City’s Planning and Zoning Committee; they include Leroy Andrews, Jr., Clifford Coleman, Sr., Farris Adams, Deborah Rhodes, and Taylor Hartley.
Mayor Cummings explained during the December 21, 2020 City Council meeting that Deborah Rhodes served on the City’s Planning and Zoning Committee, but with her recent election to the Tennille City Council, a replacement was needed for the Planning and Zoning Committee.
The Tennille Planning and Zoning Committee meets every second Monday at 6 p.m.
Tennille Mayor Cummings also recommended Wilcher for the Tennille Downtown Development Authority during the Monday, December 21, 2020 City Council meeting. Wilcher was approved by a unanimous vote.
As previously reported by WACO 100, the Tennille City Council voted to reactivate the Downtown Development Authority in September of last year.
Others serving on the Tennille Downtown Development Authority include:
– Donald Patterson
– Parish Harris
– Christian Cruz
– David Hartley
– Brooke Kitchens
The Downtown Development Authority meets every fourth Monday at 6 p.m.