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Chamber Reflects on 2020 During Annual Meeting


The Washington County Chamber of Commerce reflected on 2020 during its annual meeting, held virtually, on Wednesday, January 27.

Washington County Chamber of Commerce President Katie Moncus recognized the outgoing Chamber Chairman David Brooker.

“David Brooker did an awesome job as Chairman,” said Moncus.

She also commended the outgoing Board of Directors, including: Chris Hutchings, Frank Young, Laura Mason, Jason Carter, and Dr. Darryl Gilbert. The Board of Directors served three-year-terms.

When discussing the Chamber of Commerce’s work throughout last year, Chamber President Moncus reported that the Chamber had 263 members. 14 new members were added throughout the year.

President Moncus stated that 2020 was a year of virtual meetings and engagements because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since April, the Chamber conducted 72 Zoom meetings in 2020. Social media interactions also increased throughout the year.

During 2020, there were four ribbon cuttings and three business after hours events.

The Washington County Chamber of Commerce continued the Youth Leadership program this year; those meetings are held virtually. The Youth Leadership program is sponsored each year by the Chamber of Commerce along with local organizations and businesses.  The Youth Leadership team is made up of 12 students each from both local high schools.

When discussing the Chamber of Commerce’s Shop at Home gift cards, President Moncus stated that the Chamber sold over $38,000 last year. Of that total, $12,000 was sold in December alone.

“December has always been a big month; the Shop at Home gift cards make great Christmas gifts,” said Moncus.

Also, in 2020, the Chamber of Commerce also launched the new community brand; this was made possible by the University of Georgia’s Archway Partnership.

“This was a two-year project, and it opens doors for us to market Washington County and to tell our story,” said Chamber President Moncus.

Overall, 2020 was a different year, but it was a year that the Chamber of Commerce adapted and continued to promote Washington County while engaging with businesses, industries, and the community.

Tune in on Thursday, January 28 for a look at what the new year
for the Washington County Chamber of Commerce.