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Partaking in 4/20 Festivities? Sandersville Police Reminds Marijuana Users: If You Feel Different, You Drive Different.


Although its origins are uncertain, the date of April 20th (more commonly known as 4/20) has become synonymous with marijuana use and in some circles has become a marijuana “holiday.” Knowing such, on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, there will likely be an increase in marijuana use. To help keep drug-impaired drivers off the roads, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is teaming up with Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the Sandersville Police Department (SPD) to spread the message that drug-impaired driving of any kind is dangerous and illegal. Sandersville Police want to remind all drivers: If You Feel Different, You Drive Different.

Just like drunk driving, drug-impaired driving is illegal nationally. According to NHTSA, marijuana use has increased in all populations. It doesn’t matter what term one uses, if a person is feeling a little “high,” “buzzed,” “stoned,” or “wasted,” he or she should not get behind the wheel. It has been proven that THC can slow reaction times, impair cognitive performance, and make it more difficult for drivers to keep a steady position in their lane.

“It doesn’t matter what’s the day, any impairment is a threat when you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle,” said Captain Kelly Collins of the SPD. “We are asking our community members to obey the law and to make safe choices when behind the wheel of a vehicle.”

If an individual is planning to use marijuana on 4/20, have a plan in place to not drive. If one leaves the house unprepared, they may not make the best choice of how to get home.

Should one see an impaired driver on the road, contact Sandersville Police’s Dispatch at 552-3038.

By working together, we can save lives and help keep America’s roadways safe. Please join in sharing the lifesaving message, If You Feel Different, You Drive Different.