Whether headed on vacation or planning to stay home for the Fourth of July, the Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) urges motorists to drive alert and use caution while on their way to celebrations throughout the weekend.
“The July Fourth weekend is anticipated to be one of the heaviest travel times this year particularly following a year when Georgians weren’t able to travel due to COVID-19,” said State Traffic Engineer Andrew Heath. “We recommend drivers pay extra attention, stay off their phones and buckle up. We want you to stay safe and enjoy your weekend activities.”
Safety is always a primary concern. The Georgia DOT is committed to reducing fatalities on Georgia’s Roadways, but the department cannot do it alone. Through its “Drive Alert Arrive Alive” (DAAA) campaign, GDOT has called attention to an alarming surge in fatalities on Georgia’s roads. Many of these deaths are proven as preventable, as in 2019, 70 percent of fatalities were attributed to driver behavior. DAAA implores motorists to focus on driving, to not drive distracted, and to wear a seat belt to reduce the chance of serious injury or death if there is a crash. Visit dot.ga.gov/DAAA to learn more.
With roadway fatalities on the rise in Georgia during 2021, the Georgia DOT offers the following tips to keep drivers safe this weekend:
– Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions. Pay full attention to the roadway and avoid changing radio stations or using cell phones and other electronic devices while driving. Remember, Georgia is a hands-free state for mobile devices while driving.
– Remain in the vehicle. In the event of a crash or breakdown, GDOT advises motorists to never get out of the car on a freeway, unless there is imminent danger. If possible, pull off the road, turn on hazard lights, and stay in the seat belt with the doors of the vehicle locked.
– Expect the Unexpected. Traffic conditions may change quickly.
– Slow Down. Don’t Tailgate. Speed is a factor in many crashes. Keep a safe distance between cars.
– Wear Seat belts. It is the best defense in a crash. Make sure passengers are buckled up, even in the back seat of the vehicle.
To ease traffic congestion, the Georgia DOT is suspending construction-related lane closures on interstate and secondary routes from Friday, July 2 through Tuesday July 7.