Washington County Commissioners will discuss repairs to the County’s fuel station at their Thursday, July 8 meeting.
As previously reported by WACO 100, the County’s fuel station recently quit working, and Commissioners were considering various options.
A representative from MECO was present at the Tuesday, July 6 meeting, and explained that the County’s underground fuel tanks should last approximately six years. He stated that the least expensive option available is to install a new fuel monitor, a cloud-based card system, and new suction dispensers that are up-to-date.
“This is your cheapest option without replacing the tanks,” said the MECO representative.
Another option the County considered was to enter into an agreement with an outside company to purchase fuel.
Commissioners stated that they liked the idea of having their own fueling station, especially in times of a fuel shortage.
“It’s good to have our own fuel if we have a crisis,” said Public Works Supervisor Gary Waller.
Commissioner Edward Burten remarked that having the County fuel station provides a good safety net.
Washington County Commissioners will further discuss their options at the Thursday, July 8 meeting.
In addition, Commissioners will hear from Wilhelmina Jordan concerning paving of Neeler Church Road. They will also hear from Leonard Jordan regarding alleged discrimination with the judicial system in the County.
The Washington County Commissioners’ meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 8 at 9 a.m.