The City of Tennille is conducting a community survey to be completed by the citizens of Tennille.
According to the Tennille Mayor and Council, this survey will be used to help compile the thoughts of the community regarding the functionality of the City of Tennille.
“By completing this survey, it will give you residents an opportunity to provide feedback on their thoughts of how the City of Tennille should move forward in developing a better quality of life for its citizens,” said Tennille Mayor Eartha Cummings.
The following are a few of the questions on the City’s survey:
1.) What are your reasons for choosing to live and/or work in the City of Tennille?
2.) What aspects discourage you from staying in the City of Tennille?
3.) How satisfied are you with the quality of life in the City of Tennille?
4.) How important are the following factors to the future of the City of Tennille – Allow open space for future public use; Encourage commercial development along Hwy 15 South; Promote the small town atmosphere of the city; Make the city a walkable community; Retain and expand viable commercial activity downtown; Revitalization/development of industrial areas; Recreational facilities; Community beautification projects; Preservation of historic buildings and places; Open space; Sustainable/green technology ?
5.) How satisfied are you with the quality of the following services – Police protection; Fire protection; Recreational facilities/opportunities for youth; Recreational facilities/opportunities for adults; Parks/open space; Building code enforcement; Zoning code enforcement; Street maintenance; Water/sewer services; Street lighting; Garbage/trash pickup?
6.) How satisfied are you with the condition of the following – Streets; sidewalks; parks; residential properties; commercial properties; industrial properties; recreation areas?
7.) Do you feel there is a shortage of affordable housing in the City of Tennille?
8.) Which type of housing development should be encouraged in the City of Tennille?
9.) What kinds of commercial development would you like to see the City of Tennille attract?
10.) What kind of industries should be encouraged to locate in the City of Tennille?
11.) What retail, service, or entertainment options are currently not available in Tennille that you would frequent if they were?
12.) Over the next 5-10 years, what is your biggest concern(s) about the City of Tennille?
The City of Tennille offers various options to complete the community survey. To complete the survey in-person, visit Tennille City Hall at 106 Park Street in Tennille. The survey may also be completed online at tennille-ga.gov or directly at surveymonkey.com/r/Tennille.
“It is vital that the City of Tennille collects this data to aid in receiving funding, and to effectively plan for future growth of the City,” said Mayor Cummings.