Sandersville City Council approved the 2022 Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) application project list at their Monday, July 19 City Council meeting.
Sandersville Public Works Director Robert Eubanks presented the proposed list that included two streets: Sunhill Road and Franklin Haynes Drive.
When discussing the streets, Public Works Director Eubanks explained that the proposal includes Sunhill Road beginning at Hospital Road and ending at Franklin Haynes Drive for a length of 0.459 mile, and Franklin Haynes Drive beginning at Sunhill Road and ending at East McCarty Street for a length of 0.579 mile.
“It’s technically one road, but once it gets to the daycare center, it turns into Franklin Haynes Drive,” said Public Works Director Eubanks. He added, “It’s a big section of road, but the problem is the road is starting to come unraveled.”
Public Works Director Eubanks identified cracks and potholes as the two main issues with the roadway.
“It’s got plenty of potholes; if you avoid one, you hit another one,” said Councilperson Danny Brown.
Public Works Director Eubanks remarked that the City’s received numerous complaints about the road conditions.
“I think we need to go ahead and take care of that road while we still can,” said Public Works Director Eubanks, adding that the cost estimates to repair the road are a “little costly.”
“But when we bid it out, we may get better numbers,” said Public Works Director.
LMIG monies will be used to fund this project. Public Works Director Eubanks stated that the City of Sandersville expects to receive $88,514.24 in LMIG funds. The City would contribute the required 10-percent match using Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) funds; any additional funding needed would come from TSPOST.
Sandersville City Council unanimously approved the 2022 LMIG application project list at their Monday, July 19 City Council meeting.