The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is seeking feedback on the proposed 14.7-mile State Route 15 widening and reconstruction from Warthen to Sparta.
Citizens can visit the project website at sr-15-widening-0008017-gdot.hub.arcgis.com through Monday, December 6 to learn more and leave comments. In addition, the Georgia DOT will host an In-Person Open House on Thursday, November 18 from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Mount Olive Baptist Church, 9123 Georgia Highway 15 in Warthen. The public can drop in anytime to speak with project experts and leave comments.
The project is currently in the preliminary engineering phase of project development. The concept will be refined through environmental and engineering evaluations. Construction is programmed for 2026.
The GDOT requests public feedback about the proposed solution, as well as information about any resources important to the community.
Once a Concept Report is approved, the project alignment will be refined. If major changes occur to what was previously shown to the community, additional public outreach will occur. If no major changes are proposed, the project will advance to right-of-way acquisition and final design. After all right-of-way acquisitions occur, project design is finalized and the project will advance to construction.