Libby Mathis was recently recognized by the Washington County Chamber of Commerce as the 2022 system-wide STAR Student for Washington County.
The STAR program, which stands for Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, was created in 1958 by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce as a way to honor the highest achieving high school seniors and the teachers who have been the most instrumental in their academic development.
Libby Mathis, a senior at Washington County High School, is the daughter of Rob and Pam Mathis of Sandersville.
Mathis selected Leigh Anne Brooker as her STAR Teacher.
As previously reported by WACO 100, Cameran Francis was named the Brentwood STAR Student. Francis selected Susan Brantley as her STAR teacher at Brentwood School.
The PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program honors Georgia’s highest achieving high school seniors and the teachers who have been most instrumental in their academic development. Since its creation in 1958 by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Recognition) program has honored nearly 28,500 students, who have in turn chosen their STAR Teachers to share in this recognition. Every accredited high school in Georgia is eligible to participate in this preeminent student/teacher academic recognition.
High school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the SAT and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade point average to qualify for STAR nomination.
STAR begins each year in participating high schools throughout Georgia when the STAR Student is named and chooses a STAR Teacher to share in this recognition. The students and their teachers are honored by their schools and receive special recognition in their communities from one of the more than 170 statewide civic organizations and businesses that serve as local sponsors of the STAR program. Students then compete for school system titles, and those winners compete for region honors. Region winners compete for the honor of being named State PAGE STAR Student. STAR Teachers continue on with their STAR Students at every level of the program.
Photo Courtesy of the Washington County Board of Education. Pictured are Brentwood STAR Student Cameran Francis, Washington County High School/System-Wide STAR Student Libby Mathis and Washington County Chamber of Commerce President Katie Moncus.