Washington County Commissioners voted to reappoint two individuals to the Washington County Tax Board of Assessors at their Thursday, February 10 meeting.
County Administrator Dustin Peebles explained that Dianna Murray and Martha Armstrong have served on the Board and were interested in continuing to serve.
“Their terms ended at about the same time,” said County Administrator Peebles. He added, “They’ve both done a good job, and they’re both recommended for reappointment.”
Chairman of the Washington County Commissioners Horace Daniel remarked that he was glad the two individuals were willing to stay and serve.
Commissioner Frank Simmons moved to reappoint Murray and Armstrong; Commissioner Doug Watkins seconded, and the vote carried unanimously.
In addition to the reappointments, Commissioners also heard updates concerning the Road Department from Washington County’s Public Works Director Gary Waller.
Director Waller explained that the recent slow rains caused problems on some dirt roads in the County.
“It’s as sloppy as I’ve ever seen it,” said Waller, adding that scraping resumed on the roadways on Thursday, February 10.
Director Waller also reported that the County has two guardrails that need repairs – on Agricola Road and on Mayview Road. He explained that damages came from trees falling on the guardrails.
During his report, Director Waller stated that the County received a safety grant for signage on Deepstep Road and Tennille-Oconee Road.
Chairman Daniel thanked Director Waller and the employees at the Washington County Road Department for their hard work.