Washington County Commissioners voted during their Thursday, February 10 meeting to award a bid to make necessary repairs to the baseball fields at the Washington County Recreation Department.
Washington County Administrator Dustin Peebles explained during the workshop and the regular meeting that Washington County Recreation Director Trey Binion solicited quotes for this project; however, only one quote was received.
The quote from Peach State Athletics Fields, LLC of Rome, Georgia totaled $25,400 for the entire project – including infield renovation, laser grading, and mix materials for the infield.
“The company will come in and regrade the fields with the laser grade,” said County Administrator Peebles. He added that they will also remove the humps that are currently present in the baseball fields.
County Administrator Peebles stated that the drainage issues will be addressed with this project.
“They’ll regrade the ball fields where the drainage is improved, and they’ll remove those humps in the field,” said County Administrator Peebles during the Tuesday, February 8 workshop. “For two of the fields, it will change it to an all-dirt infield.”
During the workshop and the regular meeting County Administrator Peebles explained that Washington County Recreation Director Binion is familiar with Peach State Athletic Fields, and is comfortable accepting their quote.
“They’ve done good work in other communities,” said County Administrator Peebles.
Commissioner Frank Simmons moved to accept the quote from Peach State Athletic Fields, LLC; Commissioner Doug Watkins seconded, and the vote carried unanimously.
As previously reported by WACO 100, during the Tuesday, February 8 County workshop, Chairman Horace Daniel asked County Administrator Peebles to contact the City of Sandersville regarding the ditches in the area of the Recreation Department; he stated that significant rainfall causes issues with drainage in that area.