Observed on the last Monday of the month of May, Memorial Day is a time to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Military.
War casualties from Washington County as they appear on the monuments located at the Washington County Courthouse include the following:
World War I: Carroll William Deal, Claude Louis Deal, Julius Hartley, Abbie Lee Johnson, Lewis Cheatham Newsom, Wilbur Stuart Sewell, Sr., William H. Sumner, And Robert Weston Veal.
World War II: Beverly E. Barksdale, Onie Brantley, Julian T. Cochran, Henry L. Collins, William T. Ennis, Jr., Frank Rapely, Thomas H. Fields, Herschel E. Fulghum, John Glover, William M. Goodwin, Jr., Matt T. Hadden, Reno A. Page, Samuel F. Hodges, Roy E. Horton, James T. Johnson, Buester J. Johnston, Lionel C. Lewis, Curtis L. Mason, John O. Mullis, Carl H. Mullis, Charlie H. Mullis, Jess W. Patterson, George W. Sheppard, Jr., Ralph L. Taylor, Francis V. Walker, Alvin F. Davis, Willis Hall, Jerry Shurling, James Orr, Lonnie F. Marsh, Joseph Harrison, Moses H. Goodrich, John Burten Ivey, Durwood C. McDaniel, Jesse R. Miller, Jr., John Conn, Joe Rabun Brett, Kenneth W. Walker, Lamar Kelley, Marvin Williford, H.C. Jones, Edward S. Pullin, Ralph E. Scarboro, and Charles B. Avant.
The Korean War: Joseph Kelsey, Charles A. Lord, Charlie Wilcher, Jr., James W. Snell, and James R. Stapleton.
The Vietnam War: Thomas Howard Jones, Curtis Darrisaw, Freddie Lee Johnson, Lloyd Adrian Payne, and Ben Willis Howell.
Many people confuse Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Both holidays were established to recognize and honor men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. However, Memorial Day was set aside to remember and honor military personnel who died in their services to the country.
Let us remember the real meaning behind this holiday – Memorial Day.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words – but to live by them.” ~ John F. Kennedy