While the football games unfortunately resulted in a pair of hometown losses last Friday for Washington County High School and Brentwood School, their halftime Homecoming ceremonies reveled multiple victors.
The 2023 Washington County High School Homecoming class winners include:
Miss Freshman: Aeria Hagans
Miss Sophomore: Madison Heggs
Miss Junior: Zariah Jordan
Miss Senior: Palaysia Alexander
Miss Washington County High School: Tamia Thomas
Mr. Washington County High School: Dymear Poole
Brentwood School also recognized and announced the following school high-vote recipients:
Miss Brentwood: Annie Marie Sheppard
Mr. Brentwood: Drew Carter
Homecoming Queen: Emerson Sheppard
Homecoming King: Blake McAfee
WACO 100 congratulates these deserving students!
Left to Right: Washington County Public Schools Superintendent Vickie Harden, Miss Sophomore Madison Heggs, Miss Freshman Aeria Hagans, Miss Washington County High School Tamia Thomas, Miss Senior Palaysia Alexander, Miss Junior Zariah Jordan, & Washington County High School Principal Timothy May
Miss Washington County High School Tamia Thomas & Mr. Washington County High School Dymear Poole
Brentwood School Homecoming Queen Emerson Sheppard & Brentwood School Board Chairman Cliff Sheppard
Mr. Brentwood Drew Carter & Miss Brentwood Anne Marie Sheppard