This Halloween, the Sandersville Police Department is reminding everyone that “Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.”
Drivers should be extra cautious on Halloween, as more pedestrians are out at night on the hunt for candy and more drivers are heading to and from parties. If an evening includes heading out to a party, make sure to plan for a sober ride home. If one is the designated driver, honor that commitment for oneself, the passengers, and the other drivers and pedestrians on the road. Remember: It is never safe to drink and drive.
For most, Halloween is a night to get creative with costumes, trick-or-treat, and enjoy the seasonal festivities. Unfortunately, for some families, the evening becomes a nightmare. Hundreds of local pedestrians will be trick-or-treating. Be vigilant when driving.
“No matter what your Halloween festivities include, make sure your party plans account for a sober ride home if you’ll be out drinking,” said Sandersville Police Chief Victor Cuyler. “We want Sandersville’s community to have a fun Halloween, but more importantly, a safe Halloween. If you choose to drink alcohol, drink responsibly – even one drink can impair judgement. You should never put yourself, or others, at risk because you made the choice to drink and drive.”
National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration data shows that every 79 seconds someone is killed or injured in a drunk driving crash. In fact, about 31 percent of all traffic crash fatalities involve a drunk driver.
It is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher, and the cost of doing so can be financially hurtful. If one is caught drinking and driving, they could face jail time, lose their driver’s license and vehicle, and pay up to $10,000 in attorney’s fees, fines, car towing, higher insurance rates, and lost wages.
If one has a friend who is about to drive drunk, take away their keys and help them get home. Do not worry about offending someone, as that may be saving their life, or someone else’s. Always have a plan before heading out for the evening. Wait until after drinking to figure out how to get from one place to the next is dangerous.
There are plenty of options to help impaired drivers get home, such as designating a sober driver or calling a taxi or ride-share. If a person sees a drunk driver on the road, do not hesitate to contact Sandersville Police dispatchers at 478-552-3038.