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Sandersville Police Department Places Second in Governor’s Challenge Awards


Sandersville Police Department has placed second in the 2023 statewide Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Challenge Awards.

The 24th annual Governor’s Challenge Awards banquet was held earlier this month in Macon.

Sandersville Police won 2nd prize in Category 2, which features law enforcement entities with 11 to 25 officers or deputies.

“Again, the Sandersville Police Department proved its worth by taking home 2nd place honors,” said Sandersville Police Chief Victor Cuyler. “I would like to extend special thanks to Renee Jordan for her hard work in preparing the Challenge Awards application. I appreciate our officers for their dedication to the safety of travelers on Sandersville streets.”

Sandersville Police Department has been recognized by the Governor’s Challenge Awards for three consecutive years, finishing 2nd in 2021 and winning 1st prize last year.

The awards program recognizes statewide law enforcement agencies in nine separate categories based on department or office size for work to prevent crashes, injuries, and deaths in their communities.

Designed to highlight outstanding achievements in highway safety enforcement and education, the Governor’s Challenge Awards recognize agencies for the approach and effectiveness of their overall highway safety programs. Agencies are evaluated on enforcement initiatives, unique problem-solving, and departmental policies that support traffic enforcement campaign efforts.

“These awards give us the opportunity to recognize Georgia’s law enforcement officers and let them know that they are making a difference every day when it comes to saving lives on our roads,” said Allen Poole, Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Director. “We were honored to once again put the spotlight on the police officers, sheriff’s deputies, and state troopers who help keep our roads safe.”