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Sandersville Police Reminds Community: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving


During this weekend’s New Year’s holiday, the Sandersville Police Department is reminding all drivers about the dangers of drinking and driving. Before traveling to festivities, make sure to plan for a sober ride home before enjoying an alcoholic beverage.

On the Eve of New Year’s Day, and every day, remember: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.

“It’s critical that drivers understand the significance of sober driving and the tragic consequences of driving drunk. With more drivers on the roads during this busy time of year, it is more important than ever for us to stress the importance of safe driving habits,” said Captain Kelly Collins of the Sandersville Police Department. “Help us spread the message that even one drink is one drink too many if you’re the driver.”

According to the Georgia Department of Public Safety, traffic crashes across Georgia during the last New Year’s holiday travel period resulted in 18 deaths from 16 crashes. Additionally, 330 people were arrested for driving under the influence.

Nationally, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher. If you’re caught drinking and driving, you could face jail time, lose your driver’s license and your vehicle, and pay up to $10,000 in attorney’s fees, fines, higher insurance rates, and lost wages.

“If you’re the designated driver, make sure to keep the promise of safety to yourself and your passengers. Support other designated drivers, too. It can be a long night, but people are counting on you,” said Captain Collins. “Also, if you have a friend who is about to drink and drive, take away their keys. They may be mad in the moment, but they will thank you later.”

If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact Sandersville Police Department dispatchers at 478-552-3038.