At a moment’s notice, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, or other severe weather events can strike in Washington County. This is why the Washington County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is encouraging all residents to participate in Severe Weather Preparedness Week, spanning February 4 through February 8, to prepare for the possibility of a disaster.
“While there are no major weather events and things are quiet, now is a great time to participate in the Severe Weather Preparedness Week, so we can plan ahead of time for weather emergencies,” said Russell Riner, Washington County EMA Director. “You can ensure that your family stays safe if the necessary steps are taken ahead of time. Implement safety measures at home and at work so they will be ready when severe weather strikes.”
The past few years have brought a number of higher-impact severe weather events to Washington County. Last year, several high-impact severe weather events affected the region, including a January tornado outbreak that resulted in more than a dozen tornadoes sweeping across central Georgia.
Severe Weather Preparedness Week provides an opportunity to learn the proper actions to take when severe weather is expected. Review your home, school, or business preparedness plan this week while each day focuses on a different severe weather threat faced by Georgians.
Monday, February 4 – Family Preparedness/NOAA Weather Radio Day
Tuesday, February 5 – Thunderstorm Safety (Hail & Damaging Winds)
Wednesday, February 6 – Tornado Safety
Thursday, February 7 – Lightning Safety
Friday, February 8 – Flood Safety
Severe weather can occur year round in Georgia. According to the National Weather Service, since 1950, the month of April holds a commanding lead in number of recorded tornadoes, but January, February, March, and May also possess great tornado threats.
For more information about Severe Weather Preparedness Week, visit the Washington County EMA’s Facebook page or contact them by email at ema@washingtoncountyga.gov.