Happy July 4th! Today, as we celebrate the United States’ 248th birthday, may your Independence Day be filled with food, fun, and festivities full of American pride.
But, while you celebrate accordingly, we also ask that you celebrate responsibly.
Again this year, over the Fourth of July holiday and upcoming weekend, the Sandersville Police Department is reminding drivers that “buzzed driving is drunk driving.”
If an individual is under the influence of alcohol and makes the choice to get behind the wheel of a vehicle, they put everyone on the road in danger. The SPD says to makes plans before the start of any celebrations.
Last year, as we commemorated America’s founding, we also mourned the loss of nearly 500 American lives in traffic crashes over the July 4th holiday period. 40% of these fatalities were a result of drunk-driving incidents.
In accidents caused by a drunk driver, almost 30% of the time the motorist had a blood alcohol concentration of .15 or higher, which is almost twice the legal limit. 50% of the drunk-driving crashes involved a driver between the ages of 21 to 34.
“We want our community to have a happy and safe Independence Day, one that they’ll remember for years to come – for all of the right reasons,” said Captain Kelly Collins of the Sandersville Police Department. “Under no circumstance is it ever okay to drink and drive, even after only one alcoholic beverage. This behavior is illegal, deadly, and selfish.”
Captain Collins says to call the SPD at 478-552-3038 if you spot a driver exhibiting signs of drunk driving. He also says to protect your friends by taking away their keys if they are about to drink and drive – friends don’t let friends drive drunk – ruining their life and the lives of innocent others on the roadway.
This Independence Day, while we sport the ‘red, white, and blue,’ don’t end up ‘black and blue’ or worse because of a preventable incident. Stay safe and stay listening to WACO 100! Happy July 4th!