Today is Election Day in the 2024 Presidential General Election.
Citizens are encouraged to make their voices heard by voting in elections to decide leaders and policy at the national, state, and local levels.
Following near record breaking numbers throughout the early voting process that ended last Friday, polls are open today from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
At the top of every ballot, citizens across the nation are deciding the next President of the United States.
The 46th U.S. President Joe Biden does not seek reelection.
Ballots see the 45th President and Republican nominee Donald Trump face current Vice President and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.
Ohio United States Senator J.D. Vance is the Republican party nominee for Vice President. Democrat party nominee for V.P. is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
Washington County voters will also help elect the Representative of Georgia’s 12th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.
Incumbent Republican Rick Allen sees opposition in Democrat Elizabeth Johnson.
The state of Georgia’s 12th Congressional District encompasses 22 counties and portions of 2 additional counties in Eastern Georgia, spanning from Wilkes County in the north to Tattnall County in the south.
At the state level, the race for District 128 in the Georgia House of Representatives is contested.
Republican Tracy Wheeler is running against the Incumbent Democrat Mack Jackson.
The 128th District of the Georgia House of Representatives includes all of Washington, Glascock, Hancock, and Warren counties. It also includes portions of Baldwin and McDuffie counties.
Locally, Washington County voters also find a Special Election on the ballot.
Citizens are to cast their votes either “yes” or “no” for the continuation of the ongoing 1% Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for education known as E-SPLOST.
The tax is to raise $28 million over the next 20 quarters to benefit Washington County Public Schools.
For Election Day voters, particular polling precincts across the county are located at the following:
– Sandersville … First Church of Nazarene at 619 North Harris Street
– Tennille … Good Shepherd Church of the Nazarene at 316 East South Central Avenue
– Deepstep … Deepstep Fire Station at 8940 Deepstep Road
– Riddleville … Old Riddleville Fire Station at 10310 Georgia Highway 231
– Oconee … Oconee Fire Station at 144 Fairbanks Street
– Harrison … Harrison City Hall at 40 North Railroad Avenue
– Warthen … Warthen Fire Station at 178 Warthen Lane
Tonight, tune in to WACO 100 when polls close for instant election coverage and local election results.