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Trio of Candidates Qualify in Special Elections for Board of Education District 2 and District 4 Seats


A trio of candidates are seeking votes in a pair of races in the upcoming Washington County Board of Education Special Election.

As previously reported by WACO 100, two of the five seats on the Board of Education will be “up for grabs” during a Tuesday, March 18 election.

The District 2 seat was voided by the resignation of Kristi Jenkins in November of last year. Jenkins stated that she was relocating her residence to outside of her District and would in-turn need to step down.

The Board voted to appoint Zach Webb to the position so that the spot is filled until mid-March.

Rodney Walker was voted by the Board to assume the District 4 seat last month. He takes over the position left vacant by the resignation of Melvin Williams in December.

Williams cited health concerns for his reason to renounce the seat.

The Washington County Board of Elections and Registration opened qualifying at 9:00 a.m. on Monday of last week. It spanned until noon on Wednesday.

According to Board of Elections Director Cathy Hagans, three candidates will seek election in both the District 2 and District 4 races.

In District 2, appointed incumbent Zach Webb will run to continue the current unexpired term through 2026. Tawney Murray Bloodsaw and Rita Hunt will oppose him as candidates on the ballot.

This will be the second consecutive Board of Education election that includes Webb. He ran for the District 2 seat in 2022 – forcing a runoff election before being defeated by the now-resigned Jenkins.

Appointed incumbent Rodney K. Walker will also vie for election to complete the unexpired term in District 4. He finds opposition in candidates Dymear Poole and Felicia Henderson Davis.

Only District 2 and District 4 residents will vote on these two elections.

All Washington County citizens may make their voices heard on a pair of questions on the March 18 ballot.

Voters will be asked to choose “Yes” or “No” to the implementation of a 1 percent Special Purpose Local Options Sales and Use Tax. The “SPLOST” would be imposed in Washington County to raise an estimated $27 million for the purpose of projects countywide and in Sandersville, Tennille, Davisboro, Deepstep, Harrison, Oconee, and Riddleville.

Those at the polls will also be asked to vote “Yes” or “No” on implementing an additional 1 percent Floating Local Option Sales and Use Tax to be exercised for 5 years within the special taxing district of the county to raise proceeds exclusively used to reduce Washington County and City property taxes.

Citizens may register to vote in the upcoming election through 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18. Registration may be completed online at or in-person at 150 Riddleville Road in Sandersville.

Early voting for the Special Election will run from Monday, February 24 through Friday, March 14. It will take place on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m at the Board of Elections Office.

Election Day will be held on Tuesday, March 18. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.