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WACO Plans for Safety During Severe Weather Preparedness Week


American founding father Benjamin Franklin has been quoted as saying, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) agrees – declaring last week Severe Weather Preparedness Week.

In partnership with the National Weather Service, GEMA encouraged Georgians to educate themselves about the threats of severe weather and to prepare for various future weather events.

“This past year alone, Georgia has experienced two major hurricanes, winter storms, and significant flooding, reminding us just how unpredictable, diverse, and powerful Mother Nature can be in our state,” said Chris Stallings, Director of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. “Severe Weather Preparedness Week is a critical time to reflect on these events and ensure that we’re ready for the next challenge.”

The state of Georgia’s peak in severe weather, including tornadoes, occurs between the months of January and May.

Local citizens were encouraged to use Severe Weather Preparedness Week to review their emergency procedures and prepare for severe weather-related hazards.

Each day of the campaign addresses a specific severe weather topic:

Monday, February 3 – Family Preparedness/NOAA Weather Radio Day: Create and/or review family procedures for specific weather events. Purchase a potential life-saving NOAA Weather Radio to be alerted of incoming weather threats.

Tuesday, February 4 – Thunderstorm Safety: Learn the difference between a severe thunderstorm watch and a severe thunderstorm warning. Under a watch, conditions are possible for the formation of a thunderstorm. With a warning, a severe thunderstorm has been spotted by an observer or radar.

Wednesday, February 5 – Tornado Safety: Determine in advance where you will take shelter in case of a tornado warning.

Thursday, February 6 – Lightning Safety: Learn the 30/30 rule. If after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder, go indoors. Stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.

Friday, February 7 – Flash Flood Safety: Always copy your important documents and seal them in a watertight container. Add these to your Ready kit, which is a bag of essential supplies to help you and your family survive the following days of an emergency displacement.

On Tornado Safety Day, residents, schools, and businesses were encouraged to participate in Ready Georgia’s PrepareAthon! for tornado safety. A statewide tornado drill took place at 9:30 a.m. to rehearse the plans and steps to take when under a tornado watch and warning.

“By learning safety tips, reviewing emergency plans, and staying prepared, we can protect our families, homes, and communities from the impact of natural disasters,” said Director Stallings. “Preparation today can make all the difference tomorrow.”