A 61-year-old bridge in Washington County is closed to through traffic while a scheduled replacement is underway.
The Linton Road Bridge over Keg Creek, which is located 7 miles northwest of Sandersville, closed on Tuesday, May 17 for 210 days, while the replacement is constructed.
Project contractor, Southeastern Site Development, will soon begin demolition of the existing bridge and build a new 180-foot structure.
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has assembled a signed, off-site detour on Deepstep Road and Pleasant Grove Road.
This $2 million project is being completed through the GDOT Low Impact Bridge Program (LIBP). Introduced in 2014, it assists in reducing the number of bridges across the state of Georgia with posted weight limits. Low impact bridge projects must meet set criteria to be eligible for the federally funded program, including having no geometry or grade changes and low environmental impacts. LIBP usage of prefabricated bridge components make for an expedited process compared to contrasting bridge replacements.
Photos Courtesy of the Georgia Department of Transportation